

Image of Dr. Phipps

Brandy Phipps on Community-Centered Approaches for Food Systems Transformation

The Middle East Studies Center, Global Water Institute, and University Libraries will host a food sovereignty workshop on October 13 and 14, 2022.  Globally, 27% of people face…

Image of irrigation field from Varisco's Article, "Irrigation in an Arabian Valley"

Dr. Daniel M. Varisco, President, American Institute for Yemeni Studies, to discuss food systems in Yemen

The Middle East Studies Center is pleased to announce that Dr. Daniel M. Varisco, President, American Institute for Yemeni Studies, will discuss what local food systems can look like in the…

A "bostan" or community garden in Istanbul.  Photo by Melinda McClimans. All rights reserved.

Food Sovereignty Workshop Program is Finalized

Food Sovereignty Workshop: Community-Centered Approaches for Food Systems Transformation

October 13 - October 14, 2022

9:00AM - 4:00PM

Locations: OSU Thompson Library (Day…

image of a tree with black soil beneath it

Soil Matters: Distinguished Professor Rattan Lal to Speak with Teachers

Next week is the Global Teacher Seminar co-hosted by the area studies centers of the Office of International Affairs. We organized the session with Professor Rattan Lal, world renown expert on…

Ohio State seal

Financing Terrorism

by Gabriel Giddens

In March we held a symposium that addressed the complex issues associated with extremist jihadi groups in the Middle East. The entire symposium can be viewed here.…

Image of girls on Kabul street

Interview with the Director on Islamophobia, All Sides with Ann Fisher

Today the director of the Middle East Studies Center was interviewed along with Nathan Lean of Georgetown University's Bridge Initiative to discuss Islamophobia. You can listen to the entire…

Ohio State seal

Event: Aftermath of the Arab Spring

Last night's event hosted by the Arab Student Union at the Ohio State University, "Aftermath of the Arab Spring," was enjoyable and thought-provoking. Four distinguished panelists…