Start Planning for Your Career Now!
Preparing for an International Career
In this age of geopolitical and economic changes in the Middle East, and shifting agendas of international and regional powers, it is critical that Middle East Studies programs play major roles in preparing our students for dealing with complex regional and global issues. OSU offers a range of opportunities for cultivating 21st century aptitudes related to global competency. There are a wide range of career paths based in area and language studies. Think about which area of the world you would like to learn about the most, then commit to learning the local language/s and going there. The related knowledge, skills and language proficiency you will gain can make a powerful impression on a resume, and give you an edge over other applicants. Key resume elements:
- Leadership Skills
- Education
- Community Service
- Cultural Awareness
- Foreign Languages
- International Experience
OSU is an excellent institution for providing those opportunities related to the Middle East. Read here about our programs. MESC supports students on their journeys into international fields through the FLAS Fellowship, and by providing thorough information regarding international careers. All of the area studies centers in the Office of International Affairs provide information and resources to students considering an international career. Please explore the job/career areas on the websites of the Center for Latin American Studies, the Center for Slavic and East European Studies, and the East Asian Studies Center for more information. General career support can be found through the ASC Career Success page and Younkin Buckeye Careers page. Job search resources include and job search tools offered by the graduate school.