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Resources For Research

These tools will empower you to find your own credible information and educate yourself and others. Whether you are a faculty member looking for resources to recommend, a student conducting a research project, or a member of the greater Middle East community looking to learn more, the MESC will work to meet your needs.

For additional consultation, contact us.

Academic Research Tools:

  • OSU's Department of History eHistory portal- this site provides background information, teaching tools, and primary sources linked to a wide variety of topics.
  • Text Analysis Portal for Research- this text analysis tool allows you to search texts - your own or on the web - for specific words, and provides a statistical analysis.
  • CIA World Factbook
  • Project Gutenberg Online Book Catalog- this catalog provides access and allows you to search for full-text versions of literature in the public domain.
  • Middle East & Islamic Studies at Columbia University- provides bibliographies, maps, and libraries with major Middle East collections and news sources.
  • Perry-Castaneda Map Collection at the University of Texas
  •  Expansive research guide by the OSU Middle East and Islamic Studies departments.

See also:

Note: These resources provide general, academic knowledge on a variety of subjects, available without an OSU login. 

On Current Events:

  • Origins is a newsletter run by the OSU's Department of History, and they write on current events from a historical perspective. 
  • Drawing on the insights of expert journalists, activists, and academics, Informed Comment strives to publish deep geopolitical analysis that’s readable for a general audience.
  • Al-Monitor is a trusted and award-winning independent source of Middle East news and analysis.

On Middle Eastern Peoples and Cultures:

On Islam:

On the History of the Middle East:

On Egypt:

Note: These research tools and references are available directly online to those with OSU usernames and passwords. They can be accessed from home by signing in on the OSU Libraries home page (go to "Off-campus Sign-in").

On Islam: