Over the course of the 20th century the numbers of Americans who trace their ancestry to the Middle East has grown substantially and their ranks have become far more diverse. Today, roughly half are Arab Americans and the other half are non-Arab, including Armenians, Iranians, Israelis, Turks, and others. The Middle Eastern umbrella category conceals a host of complex and multi-dimensional communities that challenge current notions about pan-ethnic identity.
To Register (Deadline ended: September 10, 2012)
Part 1: Middle Eastern Americans: Subethnic, Ethnic or Pan-ethnic?
Mehdi Bozorgmehr
Department of Sociology
Middle East and Middle East American Center
The Graduate Center, City University of New York
Time: 12:00 pm
Part 2: Teaching About Middle Eastern Americans
Jonathan Friedlander
UCLA and Middle Eastern American Resources Online (MEARO)
Time: 1:30 pm
Part 3: Film Screening followed by Q&A session
Time: 3:00 pm
For more information about this or other activities, please get in contact with the Middle East Studies Center, 614-292-5897, mesc@osu.edu.
See our website for general information, or our facebook page for what's going on. To financially support our programs please visit us on the OSU GiveTo website. Please let us know if you have questions concerning access, or need to request accommodations for a disability. We will either direct you to the event organizers, or, if we are the organizer, make arrangements for any necessary accommodations. Early requests are encouraged, and a week will generally allow OSU units to provide seamless access.