Grad Student Research Forum

AI generated book and students
October 22, 2024
2:30PM - 3:30PM
Zoom (register below)

Date Range
2024-10-22 14:30:00 2024-10-22 15:30:00 Grad Student Research Forum The Middle East Studies Forum is an informal space to get together, share stories from fieldwork, talk about issues, learn about colleagues’ research, try out papers you’re working on, etc. On Tuesday, October 22 2:30 Grad Student Research Forum Middle East Studies researchers in our graduate programs will share their current projects. We will be gaining new perspectives on archeological fieldwork in Central Asia, and modern Arabic and Anglo Arab literature and film in this particular forum. Alumni, graduate students and advanced undergraduates are welcome! To join the forum, simply sign up for the listserve, register for Grad Student Research Forum and we will send you the Zoom link (no in-person option, Zoom only).  Zoom (register below) America/New_York public

The Middle East Studies Forum is an informal space to get together, share stories from fieldwork, talk about issues, learn about colleagues’ research, try out papers you’re working on, etc. On Tuesday, October 22 2:30 Grad Student Research Forum Middle East Studies researchers in our graduate programs will share their current projects. We will be gaining new perspectives on archeological fieldwork in Central Asia, and modern Arabic and Anglo Arab literature and film in this particular forum. 

Alumni, graduate students and advanced undergraduates are welcome! To join the forum, simply sign up for the listserve,

Please register for Grad Student Research Forum and we will send you the Zoom link (no in-person option, Zoom only).