"A smash hit in Iran, MAXX is a delightful musical comedy starring a cast of fresh faces, including Farhad Ayish in the title role. In this hilarious tale of mistaken identity, Maxx, a performer in a Los Angeles nightclub, receives an invitation to participate in a musical festival in Tehran. Upon arriving in Iran, Maxx is astounded by the warm welcome and at the many invitations to important cultural events. Little does he know that his invitation was originally intended for a prominent symphony conductor with a similar name. When authorities in Tehran discover Maxx is a rapper, chaos erupts."--Container
The film will be introduced by Dr. Mehrak Kamali. Dr. Kamali has earned his PhD in Near Eastern and Iranian studies from the University of Arizona. His MA and BA are in sociology from Tehran University in Iran. His scientific interests include Persian language and literature as well as Iranian culture. He has written a number of article about Persian literature in English and Persian. He is the coordinator of Persian program in the department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures at Ohio State University now.
Co-sponsored by Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, the Library and the Middle East Studies Center.