Join us for a showing of the documentary, “Artifact War,” followed by a Q & A with "the professor," Amr Al-‘azm. This event is free and open to the public.
About “Artifact War”
An intrepid archeology professor and his team of students are the only ones who stand in the way of an ISIS illicit antiquities network. Faced with losing their cultural heritage they become spies, and they go undercover in ISIS territory. They dodge bombs and militia to create a system to monitor theft and destruction of Syrian antiquities. During this process, they discover more than they anticipated, discovering thousands of trafficked items and that the crimes committed are being enabled by terrorists and multinational corporations. The tragedy continues because the sale of illegal goods is uncovered in the most unsuspecting place. Watch the trailer on Youtube.
Co-sponsored with University Libraries.
You might also be interested in Antiquity Smuggling in the Middle East, happening the day before, on April 2nd. We're bringing together a panel of experts, including Dr. Alazm to talk about the latest issues.